
中英对照 |《中华人民共和国专利法》英文译本正式上线!

北大法宝 北大法律信息网 2021-07-28


[CLI Code] CLI.1.346982(EN)

Patent Law of the People's Republic of China (2020 Amendment Pkulaw Version) 

(1984年3月12日第六届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第四次会议通过 根据1992年9月4日第七届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二十七次会议《关于修改〈中华人民共和国专利法〉的决定》第一次修正 根据2000年8月25日第九届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十七次会议《关于修改〈中华人民共和国专利法〉的决定》第二次修正 根据2008年12月27日第十一届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第六次会议《关于修改〈中华人民共和国专利法〉的决定》第三次修正 根据2020年10月17日第十三届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二十二次会议《关于修改<中华人民共和国专利法>的决定》第四次修正)

(Adopted at the 4th Session of the Standing Committee of the Sixth National People's Congress on March 12, 1984; amended for the first time by the Decision on Amending the Patent Law of the People's Republic of China adopted at the 27th Session of the Standing Committee of the Seventh National People's Congress on September 4, 1992; amended for the second time by the Decision on Amending the Patent Law of the People's Republic of China, adopted at the 17th Session of the Standing Committee of the Ninth National People's Congress on August 25, 2000; amended for the third time by the Decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on Amending the Patent Law of the People's Republic of China adopted at the 6th Session of Standing Committee of the 11th National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on December 27, 2008; and amended for the fourth time in accordance with the Decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress to Amend the Patent Law of the People's Republic of China adopted at the 22nd Session of the Standing Committee of the Thirteenth National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on October 17, 2020)

Table of Contents

目 录

Chapter I General Provisions

第一章 总则

Chapter II Conditions for Granting Patents

第二章 授予专利权的条件

Chapter III Application for Patents

第三章 专利的申请

Chapter IV Examination and Approval of Patent Applications

第四章 专利申请的审查和批准

Chapter V Duration, Termination and Invalidation of Patents

第五章 专利权的期限、终止和无效

Chapter VI Compulsory License for the Exploitation of Patents

第六章 专利实施的特别许可

Chapter VII Protection of Patents

第七章 专利权的保护

Chapter VIII Supplementary Provisions

第八章 附则

第一章 总则

Chapter I General Provisions

第一条 为了保护专利权人的合法权益,鼓励发明创造,推动发明创造的应用,提高创新能力,促进科学技术进步和经济社会发展,制定本法。

Article 1 This law is enacted for the purpose of protecting the legitimate rights and interests of patentees, encouraging inventions, giving an impetus to the application of inventions, improving the innovative capabilities, and promoting scientific and technological progress as well as the economic and social development.

第二条 本法所称的发明创造是指发明、实用新型和外观设计。

Article 2 The “inventions” as used in this Law means inventions, utility models and designs.


The term “invention” refers to any new technical solution relating to a product, a process or an improvement thereof.


The term “utility model” refers to any new technical solution relating to a product's shape, structure, or a combination thereof, which is fit for practical use.


“Design” means a new design of the shape, pattern, or a combination thereof, as well as a combination of the color, shape and pattern, of the entirety or a portion of a product, which creates an aesthetic feeling and is fit for industrial application.

第三条 国务院专利行政部门负责管理全国的专利工作;统一受理和审查专利申请,依法授予专利权。

Article 3 The patent administrative department of the State Council shall be responsible for the administration of the patent work throughout China, uniformly accept and examine applications for patents, and grant patents in accordance with the law.


The patent administrative department of the people's government of each province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government shall take charge of the administration of patents within its own jurisdiction.


第七十九条 管理专利工作的部门不得参与向社会推荐专利产品等经营活动。

Article 79 No patent administrative department shall participate in the business activities such as recommending patented products to the public.


Where a patent administrative department violates the provisions of the preceding paragraph, it shall be ordered by its superior organ or its supervision organ to make a correction and eradicate the ill effects. The illegal proceeds, if any, shall be confiscated. If the circumstance is serious, the directly liable person-in-charge and other directly liable persons shall be subject to a disciplinary action in accordance with the law.

第八十条 从事专利管理工作的国家机关工作人员以及其他有关国家机关工作人员玩忽职守、滥用职权、徇私舞弊,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任;尚不构成犯罪的,依法给予处分。

Article 80 Where any staff member of a state organ for patent administration or of any other relevant state organ neglects his duties, abuses his powers, practices favoritism for himself or his relative, if any crime is constituted, he shall be subject to criminal liabilities according to law. If no crime is constituted, he shall be given a disciplinary action according to law.

第八章 附则

Chapter VIII Supplementary Provisions

第八十一条 向国务院专利行政部门申请专利和办理其他手续,应当按照规定缴纳费用。

Article 81 To apply for a patent or going through other formalities with the patent administrative department of the State Council, the applicant shall pay the prescribed fees.

第八十二条 本法自1985年4月1日起施行。

Article 82 This Law shall enter into force on April 1, 1985.
















本文来源 | 北大法宝法律法规库、北大法宝英本译本库

责任编辑 | 李泽鹏

审核人员 | 张文硕



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