


译:苏虎生、AR 鲁米苏非文化学会

原文见《仁慈的海洋 第二卷》





Our Grandsheikh issaying an important good manner for guidance. Everyone must look for a guide,as we are in need to reach to our destinations and it is so difficult.


Look to ourProphet, peace be upon him. All creation is for his honour and sake; Allahmaking the universe for his Habib. Yet the Prophet accepted a guide, Jibrîl(Angel Gabriel). All Prophets accepted Jibrîl as their guide.






Our Prophet is ofthe highest station in the Divine Presence, a representative of Allah among Hispeople, and he is taking a guide. It is indicating that for everyone asking toreach the Divine Presence a guide is necessary. This is the most importantadab. Our Prophet was always following the orders of Jibrîl, doing every actionand speaking according to Allah’s orders as brought by Jibrîl. It means thatno one may reach the Divine Presence without a guide and guidance. You mustgive yourself to the hands of a guide, surrender, or else no benefit can youtake. A guide is one who knows your destination. He is an open-eyed person. Ablind man can’t guide, he is in need for one. In ourdays very few persons are accepting a guide for themselves,  everyone is so proud, saying, «I am clever, Iknow better.» They may know this world’s knowledge, butthis guidance is not such that you can read in books and follow. You only knowit with a murshid. You must have a guide; only pride is keeping people away.There is no reaching the Divine Presence without a real guide.


For a humble mureedfollowing a murshid, if he is consulting the murshid in every matter it isgood, but for three things it is a must. These are marriage, divorce, and farjourneying. Also for the pilgrimage is necessary consultation with the sheikh.If not consulting, one may fall in a bad condition. The sheikh may give his ordersby dreams, as it is prohibited for jinn or devils to appear in the form of theProphet or the sheikh.






Whoever is asking improvement in the Way of Allah must ask fora guide. It is the quickest and shortest way. Sayyidinâ ‘Alî askedthe Prophet, what is the easiest way to our Lord? He said, «Oh ‘Alî, look for one Friend of Allah and stay in his shadow. A shadowis not going to seperate trom a man. Then you may reach easily and quickly theLord’s Presence.» The beginning of the Way is to agreewith a guide.




Our Grandsheikhsays that Iblis is the most learned of people for all religious knowledge,knowing very well the contents of the Torah, Psalms, Gospel, and Qur’ân. But heis prohibited from taking Divine knowledges; he can never know about thesecrets of those books. If knowing, he would not follow people to make them likehimself. What closes these secrets? It is to be proud of knowledge orworshipping. This puts one far away. Iblis would never take a guide forhimself. Allah intended Adam to be his guide but, be would never accept Adam orhis knowledge. This is the power of his proudness, and the reason for which hewas thrown out of the


Divine Presence.




Our Prophet says, «Wisdomsare the property of the mu’min, believer. Anywhere he’s finding, he may take it.» There is no nationalism in religion. Allpeople are the same in front of their Lord. If you find a hikmat, wisdom, withany person, you must take it.




原文载 微信公众号 鲁米苏非文化学会(rumisufi)



