

谢赫纳泽穆 音流瑜伽研究

翻译:AR 鲁米苏非文化学会  


OurGrandsheikh is saying – his every advice is like shells for guns, giving to youto use against the enemy. But you are only taking and making a depot. We aregiving to you for shooting; that is our intention. We are giving you everyrange of shells, some for nearby and some for the other side of the mountain.Yet our Grandsheikh is saying: «I can’t find anyone to keep my advices.» I hopeyou may keep his advice.


OurGrandsheikh is asking, what is that which Allah and his Prophet don’t like? Youmust know, and when knowing, keep far away from it. He answers that it is tolook after a person’s faults. Allah has prohibited this. It is a big sin andthe worst action a person can make. You also have faults everyone has so many,and you have a responsibility for those faults in the Divine Presence. So whyare you looking to the faults of others; you must eliminate your own. When oneis looking to the faults of another, the respect we have for him in our heartdisappears, and the love toward him is extinguished.


我们的祖师说 — 他的每一个建议都像是提供给枪的子弹,提供给我们抵抗敌人。但是你却只拿去把它们存起来。我们给你是为了让你开火的;那是我们的举义。我们给你所有射程的子弹,一些射附近,一些可以射到山的另一边。但是我们的祖师还是说,“我找不到一个人可以实践我的建议。”我希望你能实践他的建议。



Therefore,it is prohibited. So many faults everyone has, that if we were looking to them,all would become enemies. It causes seperation of the Ummah, and then comesShaitân to capture us. Islam calls love and strong relations between people, toprotect from badness and give power to faith. Therefore, we are ordered for worshippingtogether, so that our faith will grow stronger. Our Grandsheikh says we must becareful that Shaitân does not make our worship unacceptable. It is unacceptablewhen we are asking for any rewards. We must ask for our Lord’s pleasure only.When all the ego’s desires are finished, then one is a servant of the Lord.


To lookfor some reward for worshipping is like idol worship. Sincerity is to ask onlyyour Lord’s service. So many people are worshipping and then doing what theirego demands. This means that they are servants of Allah and of Shaitân. It is adangerous way.



Until webecome clean of bad character we can’t be free of Shaitân, this world, ouregos, and vain desires. Until you know when you put your foot down, whether itis on the right way or the wrong way, you are yet in need of alignment in yourheart. You must know and be awake to where you are putting your foot. In onesecond’s sleeping may come a dangerous accident. Ther efore, we are always inneed to repeat the word of shahâda , to put us on the right way.


Until webecome free of bad character, we cannot attain to real faith; and if no realfaith, then there is no real life, the life that is forever. Whoever realizesreal life in this world will live on in the tomb, his body not turning to dust.It is a sign from Allah that he has reached true life. How is it possible tosave ourselves from bad character? A bad characteristic is pride. Iblis wasthrown out of the Divine Presence for his pride. If a man is not humble enoughto accept one man to teach him lessons, he is proud. You must have a TariqatTeacher to show you how to use the Shariah on yourself. He learned from hisSheikh how to use Shariah on himself. There can be no surgeon who hasen’twitnessed surgery, but learned only from books.





原文载 微信公众号 鲁米苏非文化学会(rumisufi)



